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Wendy Kann
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher
Westport, CT, USA
Apr 11, 20241 min read
Zen, Feldenkrais, and the Art of Doing Less
I read an article in the New York times about a Japanese calligraphy exhibition, and was delighted to learn that in calligraphy, like...
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Nov 30, 20233 min read
A few reasons why we dissociate from our bodies (and what we can do about it...)
Dissociation is a feeling of being detached from our bodies, environment, and people around us. It’s a feeling of being split – not...
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May 8, 20223 min read
Feldenkais is NOT "exercise for old people" - grrr!
I gave an introductory Feldenkrais talk and lesson the other night. As usual, I had spent a long time beforehand struggling to figure out...
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