Wendy Kann
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Teacher
Westport, CT, USA

"Through awareness, we can learn to move with astonishing lightness and freedom at almost any age." Moshe Feldenkrais
Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement (ATM) lessons are an internationally recognized and evidence-based means of pain relief, trauma rehabilitation, athletic performance enhancement and mindfulness through the fascinating and potent portal of how we feel and sense our own physical movement.
About 45 to 60 minutes long, the majority of lessons are on the floor where students lie comfortably with their eyes closed. Watching carefully to make sure my instructions are clear, I verbally suggest easy and yet sophisticated movement sequences based on biomechanics and human development while asking questions. Do you feel this? Do you notice that? Never moving into pain or effort, students explore the lesson at their own pace, while quietly considering my movement suggestions.
Feldenkrais lessons are designed towards pain relief, neurological repair, emotional balance and optimal physical organization.
Quite the opposite of exercise, where repetitions, muscle-building, stretching and no-pain-no-gain is important, a Feldenkrais practice is about learning how to refine our ability to move and live with ever-more comfort and ease.
Our most important human capacity is awareness, and the way we move is very close to our unconscious state. A clearer awareness of our unique, limiting habits in functional movement - breathing, standing, walking, turning, etc. quickly illuminates more general limiting habits that not only impact our sports or dance, but also our thinking, feeling and sensing. This bringing-to-light of unconscious patterns that may be causing physical or emotional pain provokes clarity and an embodied confidence in our innate abilities, functional movement and capacity for choice.
Please contact me for more details.

Online Awareness Through Movement
Group Schedule
Tuesday @ 1 pm
Wednesday @ 1 pm
Saturday @ 12 noon
(All lessons are US Eastern Time: Please contact me for Zoom links)
*Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in and have a folded towel handy to support your head, if necessary. Please position your monitor so I can see your whole self, preferably from the side

Online Awareness Through Movement
group classes
$120 for a series of 6 classes
Your first class is always free
Please contact me with regard a sliding payment scale for ongoing, group classes, if necessary.
Private hands-on Functional Integration lessons
$140 per 1 hour session
"What I am after isn't flexible bodies, but flexible brains. What I am after is restoring human dignity."
Moshe Feldenkrais

PAYPAL LINK: PayPal.Me/wendykann
VENMO: @wendykann